lundi 15 octobre 2007

The Adventures of Adele and the Evil Pajama Blood Monster, An Introduction

PART 1: Introduction


Je m'appelle Adele and I have 6 years old
Everyone tells me that I have "de jolies yeux bleus" blag blah blech
I don't like to take a bath and peanut butter
I like les horses
I like to wear a jupe
BUT ONLY if I can with my new shoes

here is me:

I like to dessiner...make pictures...beaucoup
Sometime my Mom give me trouble
Sometime my Dad, and Samuel
And also my bebesitter Caitlin
And Lea too MORE dan Cetleen
Cetleen sometime get very excitee mais I want just to draw
I learn dis song from Cetleen which I like parce que everyone
everyone and Lea like it
"I tole da Witch Doctor you didn love me too...true!
I tole da Witch Doctor you didn love me nice
An than da Witch Doctor she is gave me some advice
She said ah
Oo -ee- oo-ah-ah
I like parce que toute la famille pay attention to me
Today I didn feel good
I feel tired and sad because Samedi soir
Cetleen was not nice to me
I'm not want to talk with her why
so instead I tell a story and draw for you
Is called:
Adele Hates the Evil Pajama Blood Monster

1 commentaire:

Molly a dit…

haha did she write that?
she's adorable!
miss youuu!