samedi 17 novembre 2007

Adele and the Evil Pajama Blood Monster Part II

it is de night-time

so in my bedroom is very very dark

this is de time da pajama blood monster is starting just to get awake

de monster is very scary

et like aussi beaucoup to hide

de monster know que thing who hides is more make me scare


before i say i like when la maison est quiet



...where is it de monster maintenant? I no like no more dis quiet...

I want que mamman et papa font a BIG fete

so to make de monster scare

mais non non non!

da noise it will not make to scare de monser

de monster it is trop intelligent

de music just make easier for de monster to attaque

when no else they can hear!!!


I want que I have ear like a loup

I want I can hear where de monster is moving


only i can hear de sound of mes poummons qui respirent!

taisez vous poummons! de monster will hear...

de monster have des ears hyper bon

it have a nose hyper bon aussi

after first time de monster appear

i wonder how it find me

et puis je me suis rendu compte que:

if i no take a bath de monster can smell

it can smell my gouter de panini chocolat

it can smell aussi mes cheveaux quand elles sont salles

for dis I take the bath so no more it can smell me at night


de monster has one thing not so good

is eyes sont terribles!

de monster it can no see anything


this is why de monster live in de dark

it know it is weak in de eyes

but also that the enfants

also is not fort at night

night time is when nous sommes laisses seuls

then we ne font pas attention

car we revons of nice things

like de horses and and des pinceaux et Mary Poppins

j'ai peur que quand je reve, de monster va get me

et also

des enfants can not see in place where is dark

for these things night is best time for monster to attack

mamman sait que de monster hide in places where is dark

mais elle pense que ces lieus sont sous mon lit peut-etre


dans les coins de ma chambre

so for dis she give me de light for de night-time

mamma she think that with ma petite lumiere I can make scare de monster

ou au mois, when I sees it I can very loud to scream when i am see it long griffes

and ses yeux aveugles et rouges

and smell is bad mouth smell

and bad skin smell like basement smell
and hear is ailes qui flappe flappe flappe

et ses tongue qui sslup sslup sslup

mais mamman not know de monster is more smart dan dis

de monster is very very very

trop intelligent

plus inelligent meme que

le cervau de the most smartest ever

de monster is smater meme qu'une personne


...when de monster hide...

it not hide sous mon lit

ou dans les coins dark de ma chambre



de monstre cache DANS des trucs

comme la babysitteur

et je ne sais pas yet what autre... attend jusqu'au moment when

i feel tired

mes yeaux get very chiente

they say

ADELE is time for pijama

then the monster

when it hear my eye say this

it climb






and fly around the room

to find me

first de monster it sniff sniff sniff

with da nose


mais this make da monster more angry

it no can sniff me

so now de monster open is ears


they sound so big

like quand ouverent les voiles on le bateau de papa

et les voiles

i mean

les ears

they hear my poummons qui respirent!

now de monster is comming closer

and closer

what I do

what I do?

what I do?!!

my poummons just to breathe louder

et auusi maitenant

j'ai la coeur qui batte!!!









(de monster is still here



no more can hear me

but now

because it is trop intelligent...

it open sa bouche

and out come is tongue...

i know car je sent l'odeur de sa bouche

qui smell very bad like when grown-up do poop)

(now I feel the monsetr tongue lick mon duvet

et le mur

he is trying to find me in de dark

sans ses ears

et sans son nez)


(et now...i feel de monster is lick my toes)

(I am found! I try hold my breath more an more an more mais I no can)

de monster now lick my leg

now is fly over to ma tete

now de monster aborde to take back the covers with ses griffes




mais c'est just marguerite a ma cote

elle look like this:

je suis si happy to see Marguerite!

because sometime it is only her que je love

she warm

and she fuzzy

also her tongue on my face

i like it very much

meme si she lick her feet with it

and meme si it no so soft


J'aime how she always go with me around de house

si I go upstairs

she go upstairs

si I go out to play

she go out to play

si I go to the toilette

she come there too!

J'aime how Marguerite she purr

she purr si I pick up her

she purr si I rub her tummy

she purr si I give her to eat des pates with Parmasean cheese!

Mais les best...

J'aime Marguerite how si je make un dessin, she watch mais no say "like this!"

J'aime que when je pleure car Samuel he is mean with me, I can hold her and feel more good

J'aime how Marguerite she sleep with me when we take nap on couch

and how she sleep at night with me in mon lit

J'aime how Marguerite, pour elle je suis unique au monde

This night I am very happy que Marguerite est with me

car she have des eyes very good

et des griffes aussi comme le pajama blood monster

que she can use to protect me

je sais bien qu'elle will fight pour moi

car je suis la tienne

and many time I have see how she fight for ce qui is hers

comme la maison

la maison est aussi la tienne

et when Sasha the chien vient me rendre visite

Marguerite she make sound like a snake and show her griffes

because she no want what is belong to her is take away

Je t'aime Marguerite

most of time you ne parle rien

mais tu sais aussi se battre

et for this,

I the most love you

I pick up Marguerite


car I want never that she go

Her head next to ma tete

her corps tres serres contre mon corps

ce n'est pas facile a faire

because Marguerite she big

and her I love so much I want to hold the whole of her

mais je 'embrasse n'importe!

je l'embrasse comme je n'embrasse personne!



I let go Marguerite

She have scratch me

I bleed

I know no quoi faire

so I cry

no car it hurt

ou car le sang va ruinner mon duvet

mais car for elle I was unique au monde

et elle m'a fait mal
Now je sais

que the Pajama Blood Monster

hide de temps en temps

meme in des personnes qu'on aime le mieux

et qu'aimer someone n'est pas un moyen to leur protect

car le monstre

le monstre peux venir no matter what
et bien sur le monstre n'aime pas quand je le tien

So for this also now I pleure
car meme si je continue a aimer Marguerite
I no more I will l'embrasse
car after ce soir
j'ai peur que Le Pajama Blood Monster me fera mal encore
Je pleure car deja I miss to hug Marguerite
Deja I miss her to sleep on mon lit
Je pleure for these things all
Louder et more loud I cry
so Mamman et Papa me entendront
je pleure
je pleure
my pillow now is wet on both the side
je pleure
je pleure
je pleure
now ma gorge, it start hurt
mais je pleure
je pleure
je pleure
je pleure qu'ils viennent...
mais no one they come to m'embrasse
donc j'arrete de pleurer
car je suis seul
car Marguerite est partie
car Mamman et Papa ne me hear
car je suis trop triste to cry
je te hais, Pajama Blood Monster

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